About Femistina

Powerful Blend of Ingredients
Femistina Plus combines D-Mannose, arbutin, berberine, birch, and forskolin to target every stage of urinary tract infections, boosting antibiotic efficacy and reducing UTI recurrence rates effectively.


Day & Night Dosage
Femistina Plus has a white capsule for the day and a yellow capsule for the night to ensure round-the-clock defense.


Clinically Proven
Clinical studies show that Femistina Plus reduces recurrent UTIs and provides a safe and effective option for recurrent urinary tract infections.

Recurrent UTI

About urinary
tract infections

Urinary tract infections are a common health concern, especially among women. Around 60% of women experience at least one UTI in their lifetime, with 20% experiencing recurring infections. An UTI is classified as recurring if a person has experienced two infections within the past six months or three infections within the past 12 months. Antibiotics are typically used to treat UTIs in the early stage, but they can be less effective in cases of recurrence due to antibiotic resistance.


The Infection

Bacteria go up the urinary tract and attach themselves to the cells in the bladder’s inner lining. There they enter the cells and start replicating.

At this stage, antibiotics do not work.

The cells with bacterial colonies then degenerate which releases the bacteria and starts a new infection.

Femistina Plus Benefits

  • Arbutin

    Fights bacterial adhesion during the day and night

  • Day & Night Coverage

    White capsule fights bacterial adhesion during the day and the yellow capsule promotes externalization during the night

  • Berberine

    Features antimicrobial properties that inhibit internalization

  • Forskolin

    Promotes bacterial externalization

Ingredients Of Femistina

Femistina Plus’ innovative blend of ingredients targets recurrent urinary tract infections at all stages while combating antibiotic resistance. This combination of ingredients, featuring D-Mannose, arbutin, berberine, birch, and forskolin, is scientifically proven to reduce recurrent urinary tract infections and improve clinical outcomes.

Triple-Fit Mechanism

How Does Femistina Plus Work?

Directions For Use

For MILD Forms


To be taken for

10 Consecutive Days

To be taken for

10 Days / Month
3 Months

For SEVERE Forms


To be taken for

30 Consecutive Days

To be taken for

10 Days / Month
6 Months
1 White Capsule

in the morning

1 Yellow Capsule

at night

Femistina Plus is available in pharmacies and retailers across Canada.
